Windows Into Your Mind

That’s how I woke up one morning and one of the first songs playing on my mind was summer body loading.., this was just few minutes after I struggled to get up from my bed to say a prayer and there I was effortlessly jamming up in my mind. I had to stop to think about where I heard the song because it wasn’t on my phone then I figured it was from the radio playing while I drive and it just stuck like that on my mind. It dawned on me that what you consciously or unconsciously feed your mind is important and it will eventually come out.

Sometime ago, I kept seeing lots of tweets about those that don’t watch game of thrones are this and that and it could be really annoying. I started game of thrones but I stopped, although after watching a few seasons, I wish I had stopped earlier. I also stopped watching power, being Mary Jane, Vikings and the likes. Some of these shows have amazing stories but the nudity, sex content and chanting could be very disturbing. You may be thinking “almost every show or movie has these”, yes I know but there are also great shows that don’t portray these.

While I watched those shows I used to tell myself that I wasn’t watching it for the lustful scenes but yeah I was deceiving myself at the time. I didn’t have to intentionally watch those scenes but I still watched most of them and sometimes replayed, which was a terrible idea. These shows definitely led to a downward spiral of lustful thoughts and actions. At some point, I was serving in the ushering unit in school so I had to share The Word sometimes and I also was praying for a pure heart *I wonder the miracle I was expecting* ; clearly what I claim to believe wasn’t matching my actions or thoughts so I knew it was a problem. Sometimes while watching these shows when I was in school and shared a room (no privacy), I had to be watchful… I didn’t exactly want to be seen watching such scenes as per usher or Christian girl *another self-deceit moment*. Another sign that I was doing the wrong thing.

I finally realized that I had to change some things *can’t be praying for a pure heart and not play my part by ceasing to feed my mind with impurities*. God helped me desire purity and I’m not a finished project yet but He is also helping me to do my part by being conscious of what I feed my mind. I’m much more careful of the movies I watch and I try my best to skip scenes that might produce lustful thoughts *it’s not easy but totally worth it*; I also try to avoid songs that don’t enhance my purity of heart and I un-follow people (and sometimes those I know) that just like to tweet or re-tweet wrong content *can’t be seeing inappropriate things after praying or studying The Word*. You have to be intentional about these things and God is available to help.

Do I miss some of these shows or songs? Yes but the pleasure isn’t worth the guilt. There are also some things that may not exactly be wrong but they could also be a distraction to your walk with God. Basically just look out for those things that may trigger you to sin *you know yourself, no need to lie*; Be humble, ask God for help, receive His help and don’t give the devil a foothold.

It won’t be easy making the needed changes and sometimes you may just feel weak or weird but remember:

“No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.” – 1 Corinthians 10:13 (MSG)

The Holy Spirit is always available to help you.

For those that may not see some of these things as big deals:

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” – Philippians 4:8 (MSG)

What you let in through your eyes and ears to your mind is very important; they most likely become your thoughts and actions.

Feel free to share your thoughts or experience in the comment section.


Photo by Mark Solarski on Unsplash

3 thoughts on “Windows Into Your Mind

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  1. I laughed hard at summer body😂. I know right, we all haven’t got to be G.O.T viewers💁🏽. I love how you keep it real💯. The mind is the most powerful yet the most dangerous tool possessed by man. We must nurture it consciously else it will get us into serious trouble. I’m an absolute music lover, just let your melody /tune trip me and that’s it. i had to give up some of my favourite songs because some of the lyrics were just too explicit. What we see or hear never leave us without creating pictures in our minds. I think this isn’t only limited to music and movies but also the kind of company that surrounds us too as we interact daily.

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